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Super Easy Crock Pot Roast and Gravy

My husband loves meat, so it’s always a pleasure for me to make delicious meals using roast, such as this crock pot roast with gravy. Check out how easy and simple it is to make.
You’ll Need:
3-4 lbs of pot roast.
Montreal steak seasoning.
1 can cream of mushroom soup.
1 can of golden mushroom soup.
1 cup of water.
1 packet of dry onion soup mix.

How to:
Drizzle the montreal steak seasoning on both sides of the pot roast and place it in a sprayed crock pot.
Mix together the soups, water and onion soup mix in a bowl then pour the mixture over the roast.
Cook covered for 8 hours on low.
When it’s time to serve, take out the roast and shred it into big serving size chunks and cover it with foil to keep it hot.
Strain the juices from the crock pot into a pot and skim off some of the fat then bring to a boil.
Place the roast in serving plates with some potatoes aside and pour the gravy over it.
Bonne Appétit!

Simple, easy and delicious! With a big bowl of salad aside, this roast and gravy makes the perfect meal! Give it a shot, you will thank me later.
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