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Frozen berries

Oh yeah !! The combination of frozen berries, dry cake mix, and sprite makes an irresistible cobbler! On top of that, this amazing cobbler can be ready in no time!


– 2 (12-oz) bags of frozen mixed berries
– 1 box of white cake mix (no pudding)
– 1 can of diet 7-up or sierra mist (must be clear soda)


1. In a 9×13 baking dish, place frozen fruit then add dry cake mix over the top. Pour soda slowly over cake mix. And please make sure not to stir the cake mix and the pop, as this will give you a ‘crust’. Stirring the two will give you a cake like topping.
2. Bake 350 for 45-50 min.
3. You can use mixed berries or frozen peaches instead, as desired .
Serves 16

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