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Surprise children with this rich and healthy recipe with baked pasta, very easy and quick to make

Macaroni, and pasta in general, is one of the foods children like best. Due to their high carbohydrate content, it gives them the energy they need and also supports multiple combinations.

In this case, we present an exquisite dish of macaroni and cheese for the whole family that also provides calcium as they are made with cheese and milk.

500g macaroni

250g cheese to gratin

2 cups of milk

1 tablespoon (sopera) wheat flour
1 tablespoon (sopera) butter

Come out to taste

Pepper (optional)

Oil squirt

Homemade recipe, step by step, macaroni and cheese

1- Put plenty of water in a saucepan with water and a splash of boiling oil. As soon as it starts to boil, add the macaroni and let them cook for about 10 to 15 minutes, as directed by the manufacturer. When they’re on there to go, take them out and let them drain well. Book them.


2- Now, let’s prepare the bechamel sauce. To begin with, melt the butter and then add the flour with a rod to mix well.

3- Next, gradually add the milk, while still stirring, to form a bechamel that is not too thick. Add salt and pepper, if desired.

4- The next step is to mix the macaroni with the sauce and when well impregnated, turn them into a baking dish. Sprinkle all the cheese over the macaroni and leave them to gratin in the oven. Take them out when the cheese is golden. Have a good time!

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