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My absolute favorite kind of cuisine is Mexican food. My husband and my kids will be willing to have tacos a couple of times a week, but that works out to my benefit. It gives me an opportunity to get creative with stuff like this Simple Taco Braid.
Spice up a taco night with a Simple Taco Braid at your home! It’s a fantastic twist on a classic, stuffed with tasty taco meat and creamy, melted cheese.


1lb./470g Of Lean Ground Beef.

One refrigerated pizza crust.

2 CUPS.Of chopped* lettuce.

1 CUP.Of shredded* cheese: Fiesta Blend.

1/2 CUP.Of chopped* onion.

1/2 CUP.Of water.

3 TBSP.Of Homemade Taco-Seasoning.

2 TBSP.Of olive oil.

1 diced tomato+more for topping.

2 TBSP.Of melted* unsalted butter.

Sour cream Or taco sauce for serving.



Using the parchment to arrange a rimmed baking sheet by lining it.
I set my oven temperature to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.


I heat the olive oil in a big skillet over medium heat.
I added in the chopped onion and cooked for around 5 minutes, until tender.
I stir in the Lean Ground Beef, then I simmer until brown.
I added water and the homemade taco-seasoning and I blended until well combined.
I lower the heat and boil for 7 minutes.


In the meantime, I moved the parchment paper to my work board.
I placed the parchment with the pizza dough and I rolled it so that it measures 10.15inches.
I made slices 1 inch and a half and 3 inches around the two long sides of the crust with a pizza cutter.
I placed the ground beef in the middle of the dough.
Using a 3/4 cup of cheese to coat the beef and then I added the diced tomato.
I folded the end up, beginning at one end of the braid, and wrapped the first two slices to secure it.

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For the remaining slices, I repeated the wrapping only before the last two.
I folded up the remaining end and wrapped around it to protect the last two slices.


I brushed the top and sides softly with the molten butter. And I sprinkled on top of the remaining 1/4 cup cheese.


On to the rimmed baking sheet, I moved the parchment, and I baked until golden brown, for 20 to 25 minutes.
I let it cool before serving for 5 minutes.


For the topping, I covered the top with chopped Romaine lettuce and additional tomato. And serve the taco braid with sour cream and taco sauce.
It was delicious like I said, and I really hope it would be enjoyed by your families. Mine definitely did.
The kids are going to have fun eating it and it’s going to be a great meal to take to a picnic.


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