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Super moist chocolate cake

Super moist chocolate cake

These cupcakes will be one of the favorite things in your family, you only need to try it once to be able to win.

* Ingredients :

++ Biiscuits:

° 251 g. wheat flour;
° 300 g. sugar;
° 100 g. cocoa powder;
° 3 tsp baking powder;
° 1 tsp salts;
° 2 eggs;
° 1 cup milk;
° 0.5 cup oil;
° 2 tsp vanilla extract;
° 1 cup boiling water.

++ Cream:

° 220 g. butter;
° 2 cups powdered sugar;
° 1.5 cups of cocoa powder;
° 180 ml. milk;
° 1 tsp vanilla extract;


1. Firstly prepared biscuit dough. Pour the flour through a sieve into a bowl, add the sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Mix all bulk products together.

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2. Add two eggs to the mixed flour mixture, pour in the milk, oil, vanilla extract and add boiling water little by little while stirring the dough.

3. Prepared 2 round baking dish . Spread them with butter and sprinkle with flour to prevent the dough from sticking to the mold. Pour the prepared biscuit dough in equal parts into both skewers. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees and bake for about 30 minutes.

4. Prepare the cream while baking the biscuits. Put room temperature butter in a bowl and mix well. whisk. Pour the icing sugar, cocoa powder, milk and vanilla extract into the butter in small portions, stirring constantly. Beat everything weell until soft .

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